Binance smartchain coins going missing

only on my smart chain network my funds are going missing, not any other networks. i have done a revoke but still it continues. i had metamask app on my phone but i took it off a few days ago. i used the phone on a wifi network.
what can i do to solve this i need my smart chain network.

Hi and welcome to Metamask community :fox_face:

Do you still have your Smart Chain Network added to your Metamask ?

Have you checked your address at bscscan, to see if your money is still in the wallet ?

yes i still have the smartchain added to metamask
i have checked bscscane the money is out of the wallet

should i remove the smartchain from the metamask?

Did you add the contract address of coin in metamask? Can you send your address and let me see it for you? At the same time, remember not to disclose the private key and mnemonic words, do not install unknown programs for the mobile phone, and do not click strange links.

i have had metamask for four months and used it without problems until i used public wifi in the transit lounge in Singapore 20 days ago.
here is the address to my metamask 0x5C322e327Ea59BEaFEB668f404cBB506BbB83084.

Hello, where did you lose your money? I just checked your wallet. It is still in use recently. It is recommended that you immediately transfer coin to your other metamask address and do not use the current wallet address


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