Hi, I have been trying to withdraw my OMI tokens from my Metamask wallet to the Bitforex Exchange but it keeps saying Transaction Error every time. It also kept saying no keyring found for the requested account.
I have set the network to GoChain and I have 139 Go tokens available.
Please be certain that the exchange you are withdrawing to supports that blockchain. If you have issues persisting it may be related to how the custom network has been added in your instance. Have you executed txns with this network successfully before on MetaMask? Also try logging out and back into MetaMask.
Hi, I am trying to send the OMI tokens from my Metamask to the same Exchange where I bought them from. (Bitforex).
I just logged out and back in again and tried to make a withdrawal but it still says transaction error.
Sorry to hear you’re still receiving this error.
If logging out and back into your MetaMask wallet did not resolve the issue, please try the following:
Clear your web browser cache, log back into your MetaMask account and try the transaction again.
Securely save and store your secret seed phrase and any private keys you have imported to your wallet. Next, uninstall and reinstall MetaMask, restore your wallet with your secret seed phrase, & try the transaction again. Please note this will remove any RPC networks or custom tokens and other settings you’ve added to your wallet, but can easily be added back once you restore your wallet.
I have Metamask and Ledger linked, when I try to withdraw the money, in the ledger I can see the OMI contract address, which is this “0x5347FDeA6AA4d7770B31734408Da6d34a8a07BdF” but I can’t see in the Ledger the address where I am going to receive my OMI. Does that have to be so or is it a bug?
I have also my Omi and Go tokens in my wallet, but Im not able to withdraw them out of metamask. Im getting an Internal “JSON-RPC error”. How to solve it?
Ty a lot @Luigi I follwed the thread you shared and saw that changing the GWEI amount to 2000 may help. And yes it helps, Im now able to withdraw. I appreciate your help, ty!!!
I didnt try the PC version, might be also a solution…
I have trouble with withdrawing OMI token from my Metamask wallet, I have connected my ledger to Metamask. When I go on my ledger account on Metamask and go on GO chain mainet, I tryed to send OMI to exchange but I cant, some error pops up.
Can somebody explain me and help me how can I withdraw OMI from my metamask.