Chuyển tiền bị đứng, không nhận được

Mình chuyển 90$ eth mang base từ sàn MEXC qua ví MetaMask đã hơn 3 tiếng nhưng chưa nhận được, mong mọi người trợ giúp

hi . welcome to MetaMask community.
0.0333 eth has been deposited into your wallet.
Switch MetaMask to Base network to see it.

If your MetaMask has not added the base network, search for base on and add it to MetaMask. Then you will be able to see eth in the base network.


Xin chào tác giả, trong ví hiện vẫn chưa nhận được, xin chỉ bước chainlist rõ hơn, xin cảm ơn

Hi, follow this article please Add a network using Chainlist | MetaMask Help Center 🦊♥️ and search for “Base” as a network on chainlist. Please let us know if you get stuck anywhere :coffee:


Mình đã vào mục Add chain ethereum mainet mà không được

Mình cũng chọn mạng base eth cũng không thấy có tiền về ví

Xin hãy check lại dùm mình

eth is in your wallet. If you added Base network successfully, you will definitely see it.

Switch your MetaMask to Base network and post the screenshot here.
(We all can’t understand the Vietnamese interface, so you need to set the language of MetaMask to English)


Upload hình ảnh chờ lâu vẫn 0% không gửi được bạn

You are on a different account with a different address in MetaMask than the one you sent the tokens to from the exchange in the first screenshot, see how in your first screenshot the address starts with 0x67a… and in your latest screenshot it’s 0x0AD4… Please make sure you’re on the right account as well.


Xin lỗi tôi đã chuyển qua ví SafePal nhưng hiện tại muốn chuyển lại qua MetaMask nhưng không đủ phí gas thì phải làm sao

What do you mean exactly, please try to be a bit more specific? You sent the ETH to your SafePal wallet and you want to send them over to your MetaMask wallet? ETH is the native token on Base as well so it should cover gas fees. Can you please elaborate on the situation so we can help you?


This has nothing to do with gas fee. The address where your eth is deposited is
Is this your account address? You need to open this address to see eth


Mình đã nhận đc eth base bên SafePal rồi, nhưng muốn chuyển qua eth bbase của MetaMask để sử dụng, nhưng bên SafePal yêu cầu trả phí mới chuyển được, vậy phải làm sao

You can try to reach out to their support if you want to do so and see what you can do in that situation, always be careful who and what you interact with online and always do your own research before doing anything.


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