Connection: Trezor and MetaMask on macOS and Chrome

Trying to connect Trezor model T (latest f/w) and MetaMask in Chrome on macOS (all up-to-date). is loaded, but never finds the Trezor.
I can interact with the T using the Trezor Suite. I quit TrezorSuite and reset the Trezor, re-attach (enter the unlock) and then try to attach with MetaMask.

Never comes back.

If I enable developer mode and view the console, I see some issues with the MetaMask JavaScript.

This has to do with the FERAL_FUNCTION wrapping:

    // **** Gets error here:
    new FERAL_FUNCTION(parameters, '');
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
    new FERAL_FUNCTION(bodyText);

    // Safe to be combined. Defeat potential trailing comments.
    // TODO: since we create an anonymous function, the 'this' value
    // isn't bound to the global object as per specs, but set as undefined.
    const src = `(function anonymous(${parameters}\n) {\n${bodyText}\n})`;
    return performEval(src, globaObject, {}, options);

After a while, it times out, and gives a rather useless error message:

Hello @amgems, welcome to MetaMask community!

Will share 2 articles to help you out with this issue, to make sure you are following the correct steps and there’s nothing interfering with the connection.

Make sure you have the latest version of MetaMask and of your Trezor Suite, as well as the latest version of the browser on which you are trying to connect your Trezor to MetaMask.

If the issue persists, try reinstalling the browser and MetaMask extension, and follow the steps recommended in the articles above to connect Trezor.

hi @Chinzilla . Everything is up to date. Seen both those articles.
The issue persists.
Perhaps time to checkout AirGap…. the Trezor is a pain to use, and I have some spare i-devices I might be able to use for the secure-enclave/vault.