Eth transfer from metamask extension to ronnin extension problem

I sent 0.01 ETH from my metamask extension to my ronnin wallet extension but it just keep on the QUEUED section. I put a $18 gas fee on it, it’s been 2 days already and it’s still in the QUEUED section.

Please help

hi @cryinclown please check this article on how to clear out pending transactions:

A few notes:

  • Axieinfinity app uses a custom network ( Sidechain) - NOT ETHEREUM MAIN-NET.
    ( Ronin Ethereum Sidechain - Axie Infinity )

  • Using the Ronin wallet address for sending assets directly from Metamask while changing the “ronin:” prefix into.“0x” and vice versa will result in losing the assets.

  • The transfer of assets from Metamask to Ronin wallet and vice versa must be made with the Bridge app ( ).

  • If the assets were transferred directly from Metamask and not using the Bridge app, there is no way we can reverse the transaction as the nature of blockchain does not allow it.

  • If the assets have been bridge but are not reflected on Ronin’s wallet, you should address this to Ronin’s customer support as this is not a Metamask product.

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Hi I used the Metamask app in sending Eth to Ronin wallet, that time I dont know the server is down, but I just used the app directly and since I do have recent transaction from there I just used the address indicated from there .

And its been 24hrs still the Eth does not reflect to my ronin. Hope you can guide me what should I check.

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I see thanks, do you have the transaction ID and could you confirm your wallet’s public address please

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same scenario , haist

If you guys used metamask to transfer funds to ronin, You need to import your ronin address to metamask extension. To do this, you need the private key of your ronin address.

  1. Go to ronin. >> my account >> manage >> click your account >> view private key >> enter password to continue >> copy your private key
  2. Go to metamask >> import account >> select type: private key >> then paste your private >> click import. Here you should be able to see your ETH

Hi this is my metamask public address. 0x0e63d37ee0cba7ec4961fc08a19ba677f8719e36

Thanks please refer to this article: Ronin/Axie Infinity walkthrough

Hi anyone here know where we can contact the ronin support?

Cause if this is the case, the only way to recover it is through Ronin system.