Failed transaction, money is lost

Hello. i tried to swap busd to bcoin on pancakeswap and it didnt happen because of lack of knowledge about the gas prices and i tried it few more times then i gave up.
Next day i saw that … my 144 busd was sent and now i have a litte bnb in my wallet despite that i didnt buy. and in activity it is labeled as failed. and my busd is lost at the moment.
I only have retry option and it fails as well even i try it with different gas fees and limits
when i researched about it on bscscan the status is shown as successful but on MM it says it failed. and it gives me this error
Failed transaction Transaction 0 failed! fethjs-query while formatting outputs from RPC {(“value”: {“code”:-3260B, data :("code- 32000,“message"transaction underpriced )}}”
And i dont know where my busd are right now.
Can you please help me to fix it ?

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Hey @gnroll, would you be able to send the transaction hash? That would provide more helpful information.

Make sure you have imported BUSD as a custom token in your MetaMask wallet.

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i have imported busd to my wallet. here is the hash id


earlier this day i tried to make another transaction from my wallet to my wallet. it is also on pending. it was just an experiment. but the main issue is still on

when i move my cursor on the failed activity it says “transaction underpriced”, it also gives nonce too low error when i try to retry transaction

Apart from this one, this morning i see that my wallet is empty even i did not do anything. There is no activity on metamask but on bscscan i see that my bnbs is sent and i have nothing left in my wallet

here is the hash of it 0x9ecf6434a5e27555a6a022e3fa9a516c674080a8970dac6a98d94d3ab467886a

now im thinking while looking for a solution… that failed transaction i mentioned also happened after i tried to do trade on pancakeswap and gave up. next morning i realized my buds are gone as failed trx… i didnt see that activity on my wallet when i was trying… am i hacked ?

I am convinced that i am hacked

This is my adress so you can see my transactions

I see my deposits from binance and these are correct. There are 2 out transfers that i have problem with. I tried to do a exchange on pancakeswap and i though my failed transaction report on metamask is this. So i started this topic.
But then today my bnbs gone missing as well.
When i research about where this bnb are i checked the adress. bnbs that equal to 26dollars was sent to here
But i did no transaction and this is very confusing
But then more i learned, i started to search better. where my 144busd gone ?
It looks like i sent that amount to this address
Then tehre is a website called paxos I have never seen this website before and i did no connect my wallet except pancakeswap and poocoin
And the reason all of this was for play bombercyrpto game. But i couldnt transfer my money to game, i gave up, shut down my computer and went sleep.
Both this transactions have been done when my computer was shut and i was sleeping.
Now i think there is no way to recover my money. And i did not fully understand why this happened. This was the first time that i put money on Metamask wallet. Now it was also the last time. I did not connect to websites and fooled around. I did not play with the settings or put my 12 words to other webistes. Yet this has happened
I am very disappointed right now. Coz that money equals to a nice amount in my country.

If anybody have idea about what happened please enlight me

Sorry to hear this has happened @gnroll.

Please refer to this post here: