Follow These Safety Tips🚨

MetaMask Community members, for your safety, never share your Secret Recovery Phrase, email address, contact information, or any information that relates to your personal identity. We will never DM you to initiate support. Our community thrives on security and privacy. Consensys privacy notice here : Privacy Policy | Consensys

:rotating_light:Safety Tips :rotating_light:

Copy and paste these rules and place them within your computer or mobile device, and/or write these down and place them next to you.

Rule #1: Never share your 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP) or private keys
Rule #2: Beware of impersonators! Make sure to verify it is an official account!
Rule #3: Never DM with someone offering to help.
Rule #4: Never enter your secret recovery phrase or private keys into any website.
Rule #5: Never trust someone asking you to “authenticate your wallet.” MetaMask will never email you or ask you to verify your wallet.
Rule #6: Never import a private key or a seed phrase to your wallet that someone gave you
Rule #7: MetaMask Support will never DM to help you.
Rule #8: DO NOT join WhatsApps groups, WeChat groups, Telegram channels, or Twitter DMs. These are all scams. MetaMask does not provide support via these platforms.
Rule #9: Flag scammers. You can help the community stay safe!
Rule #10: Beware of fake websites → Official Website:
Rule #11: Official Help →
Rule #12: We do not have any NFT drops planned and will never do a stealth one.

For more information on the forum, please see here:


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