Gas fee - quem cobra?

Please, who is responsible for debiting the GAS at the time of the transaction? MetaMask, Binance or Third Parties?

The network you use for the transaction determines the gas fees :slightly_smiling_face:

That's not the issue Luigi, I asked because of the following, I, like thousands of metamask users, were infected by the SWEEPER BOT, and it wasn't because I let my seeds leak, probably because of a fraudulent contract, anyway, now it's over, because I asked about whoever charges the gas tax. I have many NFTs, Stakes, pools trapped in a system and I can't do anything, because every BNB I transfer to my metamask is immediately drained, making transfers to an untapped wallet impossible. My question is, will there be a possibility for some time to pay this GAS in the destination wallet that is intact? Then I could move my tokens and my NFTs, you know?


Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"TKS Ricardo Iunes From brasil

Hi @RicardoIunes,

I am sorry for what happened. Please refer to this post:

For more info about sweeper bots, please check here:
The person who has hacked your account pays the gas fee via a sweeper bot attached to your account.