Have I been hacked why

Hi, at the moment, it says “Add a new address for an address I don’t know” in my MetaMask. but I don’t know this address. I opened a new address to try and it said the same thing again.
Here is the address I don’t know.
Do you have a risky situation?

If you don’t post pictures, I have no idea what you’re talking about…

Do you mean this button? (“Create New Account”)
If so, that just creates new wallets, with new addresses.

I like to keep things separate to make tracking them easier. I have one wallet for my NFT sales (taxes), another for my staked tokens, then a third for my long term hold coins/tokens.


Hi. I started getting a message that I hadn’t received before: “New address detected! Click here to add to your address book.” This address is never mine.

Hey @evrenmorel, is this happening when you try to copy and paste an address that is yours, and it is changing to the address you are not familiar with?

If so, it is likely that there is malware on your device from a clipboard hack. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:

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