How can I add All my Wallets to MetaMask so that I can Only Have ONe?

I have allot of different Wallets and Coins that are all over the place in different wallets and its getting very confusing and frustrating so I want to know can I transffered them all to Meta Mask and Also I have a Ledger USB nano want to tknow if I can also just put them all there


How can I add All my Wallets to MetaMask so that I can Only Have ONe?

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hello You can import accounts in the following ways


As @998755 said, you can import the metamask wallet in the form of a private key. This is a way to manage multiple wallets through metamask. If you want to collect funds from each wallet to one wallet, you may only be able to transfer funds.


thank you for this info I was just getting lost with all these wallets But i managed to get it all organized