How can i send btc from metamask to any addres?

Can u help me to send btc from metamask to any addres?

Now you need some BNB (BEP-20) :slightly_smiling_face: for the payment of the transaction fee

How can i get bnb i cant convert it

@Maki and where do you want to send it? back to binance?

No to other addres to sell it

You can also use legal currency to buy directly in metamask

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But i want to send it but i cant

I cant even swap my btc to bnb to complete a trade

Without BNB :slightly_smiling_face: you cannot use this BTCB token.

What is it :smiley: other addres?
Be careful the destination address must support the BSC network for BTCB token.

It supprts but i dont have bnb i need to buy it first?

If i want to transfer it back to binance how can i do that

Luigi no longer uses Binance :smile: you have to open your binance account
and find the deposit address for the BTCB token.

(BEP20) deposit address :point_down: see this article

PS: I sent you 0.0006 BNB :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Good luck!


Thanks broo but i need0.00088 more meybe i will add it trought card

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@Maki OK try now :smile:



Can i now swap it or can i sent it?

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Yeah now you can make a swap :smile: :+1: I see you’ve already done it.


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