Hi everyone, i have withdraw from Binance to Metamask BNB 10 hrs 31 min ago but there are missing, already configured the BSC several times, even the Testnet but i cannot figured out how to make the tokens appear:
1- TXID: 0x389b9e2bfde273fe507467e3c65b9d5a070a683d2a48909f4802af159c94f251
2- ID metamask sended: 0xE0481E26a0117721698cD5B8962A09d85F3095f6
I dont know if my address change or METAMASK CHROME EXTENTION HAS BEEN HACKED because THAT address IT IS what i copy from the clipboard DIRECTLY FROM THE metamask official EXTENSION
That address has several Operation in the bscscan com
- 0xEbfa9A5b1188E8fa468529aEEf1fD9624707bd6b ----> this its my address NOW and doesn’t have any movement
3- Already open a Ticket, but im really concerned and scared about this; several users has similar issues, and a few ones says that HIS ADDRESS has TRANSACTIONS even if it’s a NEW account.
Hope that anyone can help me give some light to this trouble, and if METAMASK HAS BEEN HACKED they respond to the victims.
Thanks in advance
I copyed the first Address from The Official Chrome Extension from MetaMask Official Web form Windows, in Windows 10; i realize the different Adress when i see that the android App (downloaded from Google Playstore) has anothe Adress
Cannot be, like i say before, i copyed the first Address from The Official Chrome Extension from Metamask Official Web form Windows, in Windows 10
but Now my address is this one: 0xEbfa9A5b1188E8fa468529aEEf1fD9624707bd6b
I have added the Binance Smart Chain to Metamask, i tried everything even Binance Bridge doesn’t help cause don’t detect any token.
Even download the extention in another Pc, but nothing happened.
Tried to upload screenshot but im allowed cause im new
UPDATE I’ve been victim of Phishing, I DONT THINK that metamask was HACKED, it was me BEING SCAMED.
Yes, i think it was some malware or airdrop, when i click Copy Address to the clipboard it copies another adress. I just lost my money 
Thanks for your replys anyway
hi i have the similar issue but i have transferred correctly to my metamask address and it it on BSC. please do help. thanks
Hey @moowesh1610, welcome to the MetaMask community! 
Please create a new topic for your separate issue