I m sending ETH on mt metamask wallet to an ac to other ac but eth not recived my other metamask ac. what happen

**Article Title:**i m sending ETH on mt MetaMask wallet to an ac to other ac but eth not recived my other MetaMask ac. what happen

**Article Link:**transfer ETH an MetaMask ac. to other MetaMask ac.

**Translation Language:**english

**Translation Submission:**0xce157975c102cd5ac20a4fccfee0d41a5d6ea9cdf448286f420ac60f2b5035b0

Hello @vbs3399
Welcome to MetaMask ccommunity)

Sorry, We are unable to locate this TxnHash.
Can you check and write the actual hash?

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Hello @vbs3399, welcome to MetaMask community!

This is your transaction and it’s on BNB Smart Chain (Bep-20).

Looks like you swaped it for USDT which you then sent back to the first address and from there you tried to swap it again for BNB, but it’s not clear what you did with that swap, hopefully you can explain more on what happened there or what you tried to do.


You swapped it for usdt

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