I used the bsc network to transfer to the contract address of the eth network

I use BSC network to transfer to eth network contract address, the contract address does not exist in bsc network, how do I take it out, please help me

From:0xca48f46c7118338943e641ac3b6d75fb37cf553e To0xf3b9569f82b18aef890de263b84189bd33ebe452


Hello, welcome to metamask community. Is this your address? You have transferred usdt and BNB to this address. You only need to switch BSC chain to see your coin

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How do I return my usdt to my transfer wallet? The address I transferred is a caw ETH contract address, and then this address does not exist in the BSC network

This is not my address, this address is the contract address of the ETH network project party

This is not my address, this address is the contract address of the ETH network project party

Generally, there is no way to find the coin transferred to the contract address. You can contact the project party and ask them if they have a chance.

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