I'm having metamask swap and withdrawal problems

Hello. While swapping today, I was able to convert eth to other coins, but I cannot convert USDT or USDC to eth. I can withdraw eth to another wallet, but I cannot withdraw my other coins. Only the gas fee price is visible.
Please can you help?

Hi friend @erenbeyler
Could you kindly please share some more details? What chain are you using? Which DEX?


Zkyncera arbitrum eth I tried all networks. I also tried swaps from uniswap, zkync, linea. I have no problem converting ETH to another coin. But I cannot trade with my other coins. They all show up in my wallet. But when I say swap, only the gas fee appears and sometimes I get this error.

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This is the error I get in uniswap. Normally it should be a 10 dollar transaction, but it only shows the gas fee. If I confirm the transaction, my coins disappear.

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What error are you referring to?


50 hdn makes 10 dollars. 10 dollars should appear on the right side. But only gas fee appears. If I confirm the transaction, 50 HDN disappears.

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Yes but you should also be getting the token you’re swapping for. Did you not get it? Did you check Arbiscan explorer or whichever chain you did the swap on?


If you are comfortable with sharing your public address then I can take a look into it but please note that you should only do that if you are comfortable with it.


thank you for your help. When I looked at the scan, it showed up there. I panicked because I sent a large amount for myself. Now the transaction has been completed and I have received my money. Thanks again.


Awesome! Glad to hear it was resolved :smiley:


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