Lost funds in metamask

Just last night July 18, 2021 my BNB and DPET funds were still in my metamask. And this morning of July 19 i tried logging IN via cellphone. I entered the correct information but i got shocked when my funds reflected ZERO. So I immediately logged in to my PC ang found that its ZERO both the BNB and DPET. I already tried all means found on youtube but still negative. Please help me.

Check your wallet address in BSCscan. You can see all transactions there.

This sounds like your wallet was hacked. But the only way to be sure is to check if they withdrew your tokens checking the transaction history on BSCscan.

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Hi. I badly need your assistanceā€¦ How can i request for a chnage in my metamaskā€™s seed phase. I was hit by a phishing and i gues someone else knows mga seed phrase. Please help me.