Metamask + opensea error please help

Hello ,

I sell one nft on opensea , i accept transaction on metamask , pay fee on matic network i can see transaction on polygonscan but i didnt receive any money or nft is still in my wallet , can you help me please

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Hey @Fisher1, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

Would you be able to send the transaction hash? That would provide more helpful information.

Please also make sure you have added the token you received as a custom token. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:

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Hello ,


It a transaction on opensea for a nft i sell

Make sure that you are on Polygon network and that you have added WETH as a custom token.

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i did it but receive nothing , any idea ? did you see the tx ?

It looks like this was only an approval signature, meaning that you have only approved the transaction but have yet to do the next step, which is to complete the transfer.

Here is more information that may help you:


I have this message and before that i have wait another message saying succefull waiting for approval


Can you explain the steps you did to get to this error? Is this an error showing up on Polygonscan, or on OpenSea?

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