Sold something on Opensea - Money didn't arrived in my wallet

Yesterday I sold an NFT on opensea I got an offer for. Price was 0.3 ETH. After confirming the transaction, I paid tons of money for gas and everything, but the purchase amount never showed up in my wallet. Its been 8 hours or something, so I guess something went wrong. Not quite sure which information you need to check/validate!? etherscan tx is 0x6ca18b019618c57d4e136fe17320e706daf0105d0aabc7ac200f42a17fe71740

I can see you have 0.2775 wETH that you got from that txn. So in your wallet you have 0.254 ETH that came from KuCoin and the wrapped ETH came from your opensea txn. I can’t post links in here, but if you go to etherscan and look at your wallet address you will see it.

It might be you need to add the wETH token to your MetaMask to get it to show up. Go into your MM, then to ‘Assets’, then scroll down to "Add token’, and paste the wETH contract address: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2

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Haha yes the money arrived in wETH. I didn’t even realized that this are two different currencies. Just checked and money is in the wallet. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Having the same issue. Sold 2 NFT’s on OpenSea for 0.08 eth each.

Transaction seems to have been a success, but the eth isn’t showing up in my MM wallet.

I added wETH contract to my metamask and it’s not there either.

here is the transaction hash: 0xcc299f3e4e9058c1dc5879a8cae2877561a3f6ffab755283fca1b5e4f06abdbf

Could it just take a while? not sure what’s going on. I’ve sold other NFT’s of mine and seen the eth right away in my MM wallet…

hello good lady/sir can you help me as well I would be truly grateful… (0xd4fba0c476831a978d245863009b4c437fb288aabdf76dae8a67a1fef3cf52b5) in that transaction I sold NFT for 4 dollars but I didnt get the money yet, perhaps is it because I didnt register polygon blockchain in my metamask beforehand or??

Hey @MLGOffensive, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

Please create a new topic for your separate issue :slight_smile: