📢 MetaMask Snaps Transaction Insights - Kleros

:loudspeaker: MetaMask Snaps Transaction Insights - Kleros :fox_face:

Snaps allow you to add extra features and functionality to your MetaMask wallet find out more here: Customize your wallet with MetaMask Snaps

Transaction Insights provide essential information about a transaction you’re about to submit. For example, Kleros protects users from scams by highlighting the risk of a user-initiated transaction before the transaction is approved.

:lock: How it Works: :magic_wand:

The Kleros Snap pulls contract metadata from Kleros’s decentralized token curated registries to provide insights to the contract you are interacting with. After installing the Snap, you will see it in the transaction confirmation window

The Kleros Scout snap does not:

  • Endorse any contract interaction
  • Do any centralised whitelisting - all data is community curated. To know more about the same, go to ‘How is the registry data curated?’.
  • Guarantee 100% accuracy or take on any liability caused as a result of an insight.

:writing_hand: Practical Examples:

Once you install the Kleros Scout Snap, with every txn/contract interaction, you will see a tab which provides you with insights around the same. Upon installation, If you see this, you are already using community curated contract insights for secure dapp interaction - the most important feature of the Kleros Scout Snap.

This Snap pulls contract metadata from Kleros’s decentralized token curated registries (TCRs) to provide insights around the contract you are interacting with.


Ready to try? Install the Snap here: Kleros Scout

Give feedback to help MetaMask improve Snaps here: https://forms.gle/5BbPspbnhT4jVeL76