My ethereums are not reached to binance wallet

My ethereums are not reached to binance wallet. I wrote to support by e-mail but no one returned back. I am waiting since 23 august and 25 august for transferred eths.

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Do you have a transaction hash I can look at or can you give me your public wallet address so I can check etherscan?

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I already checkhed on etherscan but transaction is not writing on there. But i can see on polygonscan transaction page.

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Are you sure you sent the right chain? i.e. you didn’t send ERC20 to BEP2 ETH right? It’s difficult to guess what the problem might be without seeing the txn on the blockchain. It could be Binance is just being slow to validate.

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I sent one time before. While I make this transactions, I clicked send. And I selected wallet in recents list.

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