My USDT has dissappeared after using Wormhole to transfer to Solana

I tried the wormhole bridge for the first (and probably last) time. I sent 1000 USDT from my ETH wallet to my Solana wallet via wormhole and it seems to have disappeared.

Below are links to both wallets as well as the transaction link, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Transaction ID:

Eth Wallet Address:

Solana Address:

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Hi @mazzaneo,

Welcome to the MetaMask community forum,

You had better report it to the wormhole support. Make sure that the support is legit and never share your secret recovery phrase and private keys with anyone.


@mazzaneo It looks like an unfinished swap to me :thinking:
Did you do everything like in this video? :point_down:

It looks like you didn’t do step 3 :roll_eyes: claim token


Hi Luigi,

The transaction was done through drift protocol and not through the wormhole website.
Is it possible I failed to sign a confirmation perhaps? I’m not sure.

In this case do you have any idea what would happen. Tokens lost, refunded or… is there a way to complete the transaction?

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as Luigi said, you may not have claimed your funds.
connect to portalbridge and see if there is a claim button.
If not, try this link : portalbridge. com/#/redeem
(remove the space before com)


Thanks guys,

portalbridge currently down but will try that

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@mazzaneo on the Portal Bridge website :point_down: click on Resume Transaction
and use your Ethereum Transaction ID:

Connect the Solana wallet and pay the transaction fee :money_with_wings: all done


Guys, it worked.

Thank you so much!


Hi Luigi
I have sent my USDC polygon to Ethereum on Eth main network but after about 2 days it didnt received yet !!!
this is my wallet address:
so what is the problem???
I need my eth urgently!!

Hi @sallet you mean this transaction right? :point_down:

Moving from one network to another is sometimes very expensive :upside_down_face: you need 32.8 MATIC (29.75 USD) to complete the transaction. But it can go down :smile: follow the link I sent you.

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Yes Luigi oh so what should I do now I want to cancel that can I do that?
It’s ridiculous that meta mask doesn’t show and ask for fee price!!

@sallet bridge transactions are expensive :smile: mainly to the ethereum network

When you sell your ethereum on the arbitrum network you will get 33 MATIC :slightly_smiling_face:

Now fee is 40 MATIC :smile: F… wait until it drops to normal price :see_no_evil:

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Profile - Luigi - MetaMask I mean on the other dex if you don’t have the fee the transaction will not be done,
Why in MetaMask without asking about fee, assets are deducted from your wallet!!
This is ridiculous.
So now I say what should I do, it’s not possible to cancel it? Should I add polygon in my wallet?


@sallet wait (the fees are too high now) :smiley: and buy some MATIC

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Ok so there is no problem if it takes for example 1 month?

@sallet this is a classic bull run :ox: many new people will overload the network and then the fees are high… and I don’t know how long :smile: sorry man.

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OK man and how can I check my transaction’s gas fee every day?

Just open the page: now fee is 52.66MATIC :see_no_evil:

Maybe the fees will be better in the morning :smile:

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Ok thanks for your good support, at last better than the whole MetaMask’s devs and team!

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@sallet now the fee is 21 MATIC :smile: swap it.

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