potential improvement to the MetaMask Chrome extension: the integration of biometric authentication on macOS

Dear MetaMask,

I’m writing to suggest a potential improvement to the MetaMask Chrome extension: the integration of biometric authentication on macOS. By allowing users to log in with fingerprint or facial recognition, MetaMask could significantly enhance security and user experience.

Biometric authentication offers several advantages. It eliminates the risk of password breaches, as biometric data is unique and difficult to compromise. Additionally, it streamlines the login process, making it faster and more convenient for users. However, it’s important to note that implementing biometric authentication requires robust security measures to protect user data. MetaMask would need to ensure that biometric data is securely stored and transmitted.

I would appreciate it if you could consider this suggestion and any potential implications. Please respond to this email, as I prefer written communication for this matter.

Hi @oliver18754 thank you so much for your feedback, we will share your message with the team :orange_heart: :fox_face:

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I completely agree with your suggestion. I would like to be able to also use biometrics on my mobile app as well.

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