Please bring biometric unlock i really need it

Description: biometrics unlock

Purpose: for unlocking my MetaMask app

Extension/Mobile/Both: :mobile_phone: mobile


Hi there, MetaMask on mobile allows you to use biometrics for quick logins, but it may occasionally ask for your password instead. This is a security measure to ensure your account’s protection, especially after updates or prolonged periods of inactivity.

If I did not understand your feature request correctly please let me know/ go into more detail with your request, thanks :coffee:

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Mine doesn’t have biometrics unlock

Please reach out to our support team so they can take a more in depth look at this here at and click Start a Conversation. A live chat box window will then automatically appear on your screen where you may contact the support team. MetaMask support WILL NEVER ask you to verify your Secret Recovery Phrase.

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