Second account missing

I have two accounts.
Account 1, addy 0x27f322F77FE19b6c827e01e1D8bea3f0fc508405
Account 2, addy 0x1bEc0f58434916529AfC3CF70Fcb6e02491CBEf9

Yesterday everything was working fine but now i have no option to log onto account 2, have used password of account 2 but no entry. i created an opensea account and can now not log onto it and i have tiny amount of in there and nft.

Yesterday it was all fine, account 1 i used with google chrome and account 2 i used with Microsoft edge. opp system is windows 10.

i have added some screen shots of both the wallet on microsoft edge and the other on google chrome and also have logs from edge and chrome wallets if required.
(edit: As new user i cannot upload Images)

The wallet i used on Edge was wallet 2 the wallet that has disappeared, i attempted to merge both wallets last night and the wallet on Edge gave me access to both wallet address but now only 0x27f322F77FE19b6c827e01e1D8bea3f0fc508405 so wallet address 0x1bEc0f58434916529AfC3CF70Fcb6e02491CBEf9 has gone missing and i have not got the secret phase to get into it. But when i merged the two together i think i used the private key from wallet on chrome so maybe thats the issue.

Please help if possible not in expert jargon as i am not tech savvy.


use Edge wallet 2 private key to find your account 2

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