Wallet address missing after restore

I restored my account with the secret phrase. Unfortunately, one of my accounts is missing, and I have a substantial amount of assets there. I know the full account address, but even after creating 10 accounts per the online help resource, it’s still not there. I am quite confident that I had not created 10 accounts with MetaMask previously, so I’d have expected it to be present.

I used the correct secret phrase, because I recognize account 1 as definitely correct. Is there some way to add the missing account to MetaMask since I know the address? Or is there some other solution out there for this issue?


If you figure this out can you help me also I have the same problem for few weeks already with no luck.


Same here :frowning: Did you find the solution ? Please !!! :disappointed_relieved:


Restored account but different wallet adress how can I restore my balance


Here is the link from the support I have received. It didn’t work for me, but worked for somes with the same issue : My Secret Recovery Phrase restored the wrong account – MetaMask (zendesk.com)


Thanks for this–they sent me the same link. It unfortunately did not work for me.

I am positive I only have one MetaMask secret pass phrase, I am positive I am entering it correctly because account #1 is absolutely correct, and the subaccount is just not there. I see the missing account on polygonscan and I know the only wallet I used there was MetaMask. This is beyond frustrating.


Hi, I have in my Wallet 2 accounts, or 2 public addresses, the first one is the one it gave by default and the second one I created to use in the BSC network. Yesterday I had problems on my cell phone and needed to reinstall the app. I entered the 12 words, and as usual, it showed me only the default address, I registered the Binance Network, and following the recommendations, I gave it create, so I could recover the second public address, I did it 1, 2, 3 up to 26 times and it still does not show me the Public Address that I had originally. IT IS NOT AN IMPORTED ACCOUNT. It is original from the same wallet. I am entering the seed in the correct order and form, I check to avoid possible errors, and still nothing. I can’t get the second account to appear, I check Bscscan and there I can see my public address, with its balance, but I can’t see it in Metamask. It is the account I have to enter PlanVsUndead. I wrote to metamask support, but they claim it is impossible for this to happen, but it is happening to me!!!, and I read that I am not the only person with this situation, but metamask does not respond and does not seem to take reports seriously. Can you help me?

Metamask does not respond, because they claim, they are lies, or it is false what we say, apparently their algorithms are INFALLIBLE, they think so, because there are many of us with the same problem and still nothing, I have already generated more than 60 accounts, trying to show me the old one, where I have the funds, crazy.
I have already tried this:

The account you are missing was a secondary account created under the Secret Recovery Phrase you currently have.
To check if that is the case, use https:// danfinlay. github. io/ mnemonic-account-generator/ to generate 10 to 100 accounts and check if the missing accounts are in that list.

I generated up to 10000 accounts following the suggestion and still the account I am looking for is not showing up, no one responds on Metamask, what I have done is because other members of this community have posted suggesting, but Metamask DOES NOT RESPOND.


vous avez eu des news à sujet???

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Vous avez eu le meme souci ?


Oui j’ai effectuer toutes les manipulation et toujours pas de compte.
Aidez moi s’il vous plait???

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Bonjour Nico. J’ai eu le meme souci il y a quelques mois. Sur quel appareil avez-vous utilisé MetaMask? IPhone, Windows, Android? Pourriez-vous décrire exactement que s’est-il passé ?

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Bonjour ,
Je suis MacBook Pro et google chrome.
J’ai voulus réinitialiser mon mot de passe de mon Wallet metamask,donc j’ai rentrée ma seed correctement .Mais je n’ai plus mes comptes que j’avais créer pour une meilleurs organisation de mon Wallet ,ce ne sont pas des compte importer.J’ai essayer toutes les solutions que vous expliquer mais cela ne marche pas:( je suis triste.pouvez vous m’aider svp

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Bonjour Nico. Je ne suis pas familière avec Mac OS, j’ai un laptop sous Windows. Je dirai que le plus simple serait d’essayer de restaurer votre MacBook via Time Machine (si vous ne la connaissez pas, faite la recherche sur le net) à la date avant votre essai de changer votre mot de passe. Après vous pouvez essayer de vous connecter avec votre ancien mot de passe. Si cela ne marche pas, il y a d’autres choses qu’on puisse envisager, mais c’est beaucoup plus compliquer. Essayez d’abord la Time Machine.


Trés bien je vais essayer avec time machine et je vous tiens au courant de l’avancer de la manipulation .

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J’ai deja essayer avec l’ancien mot de passe cela ne fonctionne pas …
Cordialement ,

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Ce que j’ai voulu dire, votre ancien mot de passe devrait fonctionner une fois la restauration à la date avant le changement est effectuée.

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Bonjour, je tenais à vous remercier énormément pour le temps et les conseilles à fin de m’aider dans mon problème de compte metamask.J’ai effectuer votre conseil via Time machine et cela à fonctionner, j’ai pu récupérer mes comptes.Encore merci beaucoup à vous .
Bonne soirée

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Quelle excellente nouvelle ! Je suis ravie :grinning:. Pouvez-vous également vérifier votre seed phrase maintenant ? En allant dans les réglages de compte. Est-ce que c’est la même phrase que vous avez saisie pour changer le mot de passe ? C’est très important. Il se peut que votre seed phrase soit était mal noté, soit cela était une clé privée importée dans votre seed phrase d’origine. Je serai reconnaissante pour cette information, car cela peut aider d’autres utilisateurs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Si vous ne connaissez pas les étapes à suivre, voici le lien officiel de MetaMask : How to reveal your Secret Recovery Phrase – MetaMask (zendesk.com)


Alguma solução? Aqui to com o mesmo problema


Hi! Do you speak English? :grinning:

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