Hi restored my meta mask but accounts missing

Hi I restored my metamask wallet using seed words but my accounts are missing. I am sure i used correct seed words as I had 5 accounts previously and can only see 2 accounts and 3 are missing. Can anyone help me ?



Hi! Try this My Secret Recovery Phrase restored the wrong account – MetaMask (zendesk.com) Hope it works. Cheers.


Hi Thanks,

Luckily i somehow figured it out yesterday. Recovered all my account back. Anyway thanks for your support.


:+1: :grinning: Glad for you!

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Same here after resetting my account, all acounts gone … replaced by new wallet address

Why Are there no Moderators talking to anyone? Does it take us going to the World News and crypto news to get help here? I have taken pictures of my account seed phrase and passwords. Reset my account and used the seed phrase to find out that it has opened a new account with this seed phrase…??? I have my original account on my mobile but missing networks on it. please can you let me know what is going on or help us before I head off to the crypto news websites and provide them with this information and provide them with the proof. Terrible service.

Hi ,

I was able to recover my missing may be this might be helpful to you. When you restore by default you have Ethereum network. If you have your original account with different network (for eg BSC) then first you need to add BSC and then start adding account. For example originally if your second account was BSC , before adding 2nd account change network to BSC and then click on add account. This will fix the issue.


Hi ,

I was able to recover my missing may be this might be helpful to you. When you restore by default you have Ethereum network. If you have your original account with different network (for eg BSC) then first you need to add BSC and then start adding account. For example originally if your second account was BSC , before adding 2nd account change network to BSC and then click on add account.


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I did that… it generated a different account

Please bring back my old account… please add it to my my new wallet…send me a link were i can add my old to my new wallet address

0x6b7b64920a460BDc4f50f95baDb82eF72Bf123B9… and this is my old wallet i want to retrieve…


Try this one too. It also happened to me that I had created 2 meta mask wallet with two sets of different 12 seed words (eg Wallet A & B) . It so happened that one of the particular account from wallet A was imported to Wallet B via private key…So if you ever remember creating two wallet just give a try. Hope this works for you.


You cant manually add address to wallet. There is no way to do that. When you click add account button, it has to come automatically.

The answer was already provide in the earlier conversation.
After recovering the account, any custom networks need to be added back manually.

Hi @sthsuraj. It’s interesting. Was the passward the same for your bouth sets of seed words ? :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

Password were different for both sets of seed words. Meta mask allows to import any accounts from another wallet via private keys.

Ah, sorry, I got you wrong. It was the private key that allowed you to get your wallet back. Sadly, not everyone generates the private key.

Hi, I have in my Wallet 2 accounts, or 2 public addresses, the first one is the one it gave by default and the second one I created to use in the BSC network. Yesterday I had problems on my cell phone and needed to reinstall the app. I entered the 12 words, and as usual, it showed me only the default address, I registered the Binance Network, and following the recommendations, I gave it create, so I could recover the second public address, I did it 1, 2, 3 up to 26 times and it still does not show me the Public Address that I had originally. IT IS NOT AN IMPORTED ACCOUNT. It is original from the same wallet. I am entering the seed in the correct order and form, I check to avoid possible errors, and still nothing. I can’t get the second account to appear, I check Bscscan and there I can see my public address, with its balance, but I can’t see it in Metamask. It is the account I have to enter PlanVsUndead. I wrote to metamask support, but they claim it is impossible for this to happen, but it is happening to me!!!, and I read that I am not the only person with this situation, but metamask does not respond and does not seem to take reports seriously. Can you help me?

Metamask does not respond, because they claim, they are lies, or it is false what we say, apparently their algorithms are INFALLIBLE, they think so, because there are many of us with the same problem and still nothing, I have already generated more than 60 accounts, trying to show me the old one, where I have the funds, crazy.
I have already tried this:

The account you are missing was a secondary account created under the Secret Recovery Phrase you currently have.
To check if that is the case, use https:// danfinlay. github. io/ mnemonic-account-generator/ to generate 10 to 100 accounts and check if the missing accounts are in that list.

I generated up to 10000 accounts and still the account I am looking for is not showing up, no one responds on Metamask, what I have done is because other members of this community have posted suggesting.

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Hi , as i understand your 2nd account is BSC and as you have already added BSC, please make sure your network is selected as BSC before you add account. This should solve the issue. By default meta mask always select Ethereum network.


Yes I Do That before add the account… Nothing

Hi ,

Metamask creates accounts in order, since your 2nd account was on BSC, i would recommend you to delete the apps and start fresh recovery action. By default you will have 1 account and then change the network to BSC and create 2nd account. Hope this works for you mate. I am not expert buy it took me 5 hours to figure this out when i lost my account and could not get help from anywhere.
