Wallet address missing after restore

Bonjour ,

Effectivement il y a eu une erreur de ma part au niveau de ma seed .j’ai inverser ma seed avec Trust wallet .Je suis vraiment un imbécile.
Je vous remercie encore pour votre aide .
Cordialement ,

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Bonjour Nico.

Oui, ça arrive :slightly_smiling_face: Merci d’avoir expliqué d’où venait le problème.

Très bonne journée à vous.


did you figure it out?

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Pudiste solucionar amigo ?

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Just happened to me. Cannot restore my original address using seed phrase.

I only used Metamask for payouts from Ethermine. I had restored using my seed a number of times previously and never had an issue so I wasn’t expecting this to happen but I had always had a balance in my account over that time period. I emptied my account about 6 months ago. Since then I have wiped my pc and reisntalled and restored my metamask account but since it was empty I didn’t pay very much attention to it and didn’t notice the address was different. I upped my payout amount to a much higher amount to avoid gas fees and it just paid out sending to my old address.

I’ve tried adding accounts, generated hundreds using the seed phrase and my old address doesn’t show up under any of them. I never created a second account under Metamask and only used it for Eth payouts from Ethermine but I guess because it was empty Metamask decided to send it off into the vapor. I can’t believe they would allow something like this and keep denying the issue when so many people here are reporting the issue. So I don’t have much hope of recovering it at this point.

My TX record: 0x3b97d5f11856ca3daeca09b5fff513070af3b47a79e855b376b85737578f1820

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@Dracowolf75 metamask team cannot delete your eth address :roll_eyes: eth address is generated by your seed phrase. Have you used your initial phrase in the past and successfully restored your eth account? Is your 12 words numbered?

It is a pity that you reinstalled the computer. Old Vault Data probably won’t find :confused: but you can try a data recovery program.


@Bobby Lucked out, and discovered user error. I somehow had 2 seed phrases saved and found the right one in an old email and was able to recover my account. I will now be much more careful.



Glad this worked out for you but one big alert, you should not have your secret recovery phrase in your emails. Would strongly suggest using a new wallet where you have your SCR written down and not in an email or online document that can be easily accessed.


True, but I don’t keep a balance there so nothing to be taken. I only use it for very rare payouts and move it out immediately. Still no clue where the second seed phrase came from, possibly a mobile install from an old phone.

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I hear your point and this is totally your choice but keep in mind there are chances your wallet could get compromised. If a bot were to get set up to pull from your wallet anytime a deposit came in those very rare payouts could potentially get taken out faster that you could access. Just some food for thought. Really happy you were able to resolve your issue.

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The mnemonic is best written down by hand, do not take pictures or email.


Hey Alex, I had the same problem the other day.

For me, I had the wrong seed phrase but nevertheless I found the solution to your problem and restored all of my wallets exactly how they were.

this youtube video explains in detail what to do https ://youtu.be/Lhwv-qI5j9w

You basically want to restart the extension with the info you had before it got reset.

you will also need to enable “show hidden folders” to finish the process.

Keep in mind that some things in that video that aren’t necessarily best practice. You don’t want to save your secret recovery phrase on cloud storage, this is not safe. The video creator says not to waste your time writing down the secret recovery phrase, this also is not safe practice.

Or you can follow the steps in this guide https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018766351-How-to-use-the-Vault-Decryptor-with-the-MetaMask-Vault-Data

But I do think the video explains it better and has a better method.

Hope that helps.

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j’ai à peu près le même problème que nico24 en ce sens que j’ai changé d’ordinateur et j’ai perdu mon compte metatmask quand j’ai réinstaller l’extension. J’ai bien ma phrase secrète que je rentre dans le bon ordre etc… mais je n’ai pas fait un timemachine (juste fait une sauvegarde de ce que je voulais sur un HD classique) En rentrant ma secret phrase, je n’ai pas retrouvé mon compte. Sans doute qu’il y avait plusieurs comptes sur le même metamask, bref j’avais l’habitude d’en utiliser un que je ne vois plus. Evidemment, je n’ai pas gardé la clé privé de ce compte, je n’ai même pas le numéro du compte… J’ai eu le support qui me dirige vers des réponses toutes faites. je suis vraiment très embêté même si si je n’avais pas énormément d’argent dessus… C’est quand même très con… Je ne vois pour le moment aucun moyen de retrouvé mon compte
pensez vous à une solution, merci

Bonjour. Avez-vous toujours votre ancien ordinateur ?

Si ce n’est pas le cas, essayez de vous souvenir de toute les seed phrase que vous avais jamais utilisé. Même s’il s’agit de compte-test. Peut-être votre compte appartient à une autre seed phrase (j’ai vécu ce bug moi-même, et oui, je suis d’accord avec vous, c’est très contrariant. :slightly_frowning_face:

non malheureusement mon ancien ordinateur est recyclé chez Apple…
le problème n’est pas la phrase secrète, celle je l’ai et je la configure comme il faut dans metamask. Le problème est que quand je la rentre, il ouvre un compte vierge et que je n’ai pas de clé privée pour retrouver / importer le bon compte
ce que je ne comprend pas c’est que Metamask pourrait me retrouvé car j’ai la trace de la dernière transaction du 6 mai par exemple. Il y a bien eu un transfert d’une plateforme d’exchange à mon compte metamask vous comprenez?

There are multiple addresses that can be derived from your seed. Try to use a mobile wallet or create a new account.