Secret recovery phrase not working on another device

I couldn’t find a topic specifically related to security or logins, so I apologize if this is off-topic. I set up an account using the Chrome extension on my Windows 11 laptop. However, when I tried to log in on my iOS iPhone 15 device, I received an error stating that my secret recovery phrase is invalid. Is there a specific format or method I need to follow when entering the recovery phrase on an alternate device? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @apavlo !

you want to enter it as lower case, with spaces between each word.

check out more in these articles, let us know if you have more questions!:
(look under “existing”) How to restore your MetaMask wallet from Secret Recovery Phrase | MetaMask Help Center 🦊♥️

Also please be sure you’re on latest version of MetaMask.

let us know if you need more help!