Successful BSCAN transaction, but not reflected in my METAMASK wallet

Hello, good day, I have a problem, I made an exchange from CATE to BNB for pancakeswap, in BSCAN it tells me that the transaction is successful, but days have passed and the BNB is not reflected in my METAMASK wallet, I have checked my address and the contract, and it matches my wallet and the original CATE address, still it has not been transferred to my METAMASK wallet, but my CATE tokens were already withdrawn from my wallet for the transaction. I am on the SMART CHAIN / BNB network.
I have done history clearing in the browser I use, reinstalled my METAMASK extension in the browser, still my BNBs are not reflected in my wallet.

I would appreciate your prompt assistance.

This is my Transaction Hash: 0x6f96083dfe81b3ef443d95e535f9dc96d43b33c84aa420ed1ac84f11557b37e5

Hey @paco1, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

There are two steps to making a swap, first you must approve the token, and then you can swap the tokens. You have actually only approved the CATE token, and not actually swapped it for CATE to BNB yet. The CATE tokens are still in your wallet.