Successful swap transaction but token didnt show

My first MetaMask Post and hopefully my last. Have used Metamask successfully for years.
SO, for the first time yesterday I tried pancake swapping matic to bnb just for a trial. Like $100…and it shows successful but BNB didnt get to my wallet. pancake swap did mention i don’t have any BNB in my wallet (maybe for fees?) so i added a small amount and still no BNB transferred. Transaction went pancake-quickswap… here is the transaction from polygon. LIL HELP?



Yes, Binance Smartnet loaded in Metamask…some BNB there. Wonder if this Umbria Connect Portal had anything to do with?

Hey @sethook, welcome to the MetaMask community! :fox_face:

It looks like this transaction was done on QuickSwap on Polygon, not PancakeSwap on BSC. Please make sure you are on the Polygon network and that you have imported the correct address for BNB.

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Thanks for the reply and yes I agree went thru polygon network. How do I locate the tokens if they are not in or are hidden within my wallet?

Activity Log

Transaction created with a value of 48 MATIC at 07:53 on 12/12/2021.

Transaction submitted with estimated gas fee of 0.01 ETH at 07:53 on 12/12/2021.

Transaction confirmed at 07:53 on 12/12/2021.

How do I determine if I imported correct bnb address?

Please make sure you are on the Polygon network and that you have imported the correct address for BNB.

Yes, I was in Metamask MATIC poly network for SWAP to occur as I needed provide MATIC. So where is the BNB? If it says $0.00 does that mean I lost it?


Think I FOUND IT! Using your advice…yes, I ended up using Quick SWAP instead of Pancake…I went to the Polygon Bridge and the BNB was sitting in my Polygon wallet so now Ima try bridging. Fingers crossed.

Actually,the BNB is in my polygon network Meta mask. Hmmmm?