Tokens not showing as assets in MM

A faq but the suggested fix doesn’t work for me.
Some Eth I have shows up on Mm , but not 6 smaller coins ( oraichain, radicle etc ) … although they did appear when I swapped into them at beginning of May.
I am awaiting Mm support help on a ticket submitted over 2 weeks ago .
Has the community any suggestions for a fix ?
The coins do show up on ethers an. Thanks folk. U

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Tokens not in the default list tend to drop off your account list for various reasons. If you get the contract and re-add the token, they should show up. One trigger I find is that if you go to swap a token that’s not in the standard list but decide the gas is too high and cancel, it will remove that coin token from your wallet and you have to re-add it. You won’t lose any coins. It will all be there. It just doesn’t show up until you re-add.

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Hi did you manage to work out how to add the token to your wallet?
simply go to to coingecko and copy the contract address go back to meta mask at the bottom of list of coins click add token another page will come up on the right see add custom token press that and paste it in the custom token section of add tokens then at the bottom off add tokens it will say add tokens click that and that’s
it they will pop up as long as they are ERC20 tokens if not you will need to main net they are from and if its not added as a default you will need to add it

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Hello ,

I’m wondering if anyone can help. I’m trying to manually add my tokens to my Metamask wallet now I’m inputting all the details correctly and have confirmed on etherscan that i own them but they will not show up.

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I am Trying to send my Duino coins (bscDUCO) from my Duino Wallet to my Metamask, but the amount just come back. The transaction amount simply returns a few seconds later to Duino Wallet. What could be happening?

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Please Help Me…
i confirmed that there is an unauthorized transaction on his wallet
funds were sent to this address 0x36251Ad9a8BfFD749FaebAC385Ee73926a68BFC4

My Wallet : 0xA5FEaFE865213891db18Ae360D4fa3e7Be4e572A
Transaction Hash : 0x2389bba99714add920de7ac1079447bab58ef0d240fc35aeef15eb73b0fec700
Where I sent my Metamask Assets that i sent wrong :

Please Help Me… Please… i did not perform that Transcation…

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Hey @mantorohikmah, sorry to hear this has happened.

Please refer to this post here, and for future reference, please only post the same issue once:

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