Transaction getting stuck polygon amoy

Hi all,
So I have a marketplace on polygon testnet and mainnet. Many times transaction get stuck on testnet and it stays in pending sate for a very long time…Last time I had contacted the MetaMask support on chat they helped me resolve it.
But sometimes the transaction gets stuck for like 2 days.
I was not able to make another transaction from account, I had to create anew account, but this is definitely not the solution.
I have a marketplace I cannot ask the userr to wait untill the transaction fails or gets completed. Is there any solution for this?
Please let me know as soon as possible.


Hi there @isha

One quick solution, if the transactions are not stuck on the blockchain explorer, would be to Reset account on mobile, from Settings → Advanced and Clear activity tab data on the brower extension, again from from Settings → Advanced. This will help clear the stuck transactions queue and be able to use the wallet again.


I am using browser extension, I tried to clear it from te activity tab but afterwards when i tried a transaction again from the same account i got internal JSON RPC error.

I understand, in this case my advice would be to change the rpc of the Polygon network. You can use chainlist or cointool to choose a diferent one.


I have tried almost all their link…so I had contacted polygon as well…they gave me this rpc url(attaced screenshot)
Since then alteast my tranaction are working.
The transaction being stuck issue is not very frequent but when it does my marketplace user does not know what to do…Which is I am asking is there any simplest way to resolve this issue?

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Not that I can think of, sorry. If there was one, I would have gladly shared it, but if the error is JSON-RPC you usually change the rpc and it fixes the issue.

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Well thanks a lot for the help @Urban.Moods
If you find out anything definitely let me know!

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Sure thing, you are welcome.
Not sure if this is possible, but can you maybe suggest the users who are using your marketplace to install the Amoy test network with the rpc polygon shared?

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Well we have snice we were facing issues, we asked the users to switch the url as well…

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