Transaction is hanging

the transaction is hanging. Etherscan does not display the transaction. How do I cancel?

I have the same problem maybe they will notice it now.

My transaction has been pending since last night.
I cancelled the transaction in the morning but it kept pending.
I had the option of speeding up my transaction, I did this but it never even appeared on Etherscan.
I also after canceling use the option to speed up the cancelation also this did nothing.

Also tried to overwrite the transaction with a new one with the right nonce and a high gas fee, again not on etherscan and nothing changed still pending.

Sorry to hear your transactions are having issues broadcasting.

You can find steps to cancel a transaction here.

If a transaction still shows as pending on your MetaMask wallet, but not on Etherscan, it’s an UI error. You can simply reset your account and it will be removed. Please note that all of your transaction history will be removed, but this will not affect your wallet in any other way.

I had this same issue…tried canceling too. On another forum someone suggested resetting my metamask account. That seemed to work. Such a painful program to use -with no support. Luckily the community helps :slight_smile: Hop you get sorted

How can I reset my MM account? I’m having the same problem, the transactions show pending, I tried canceling but same, it’s still pending and it’s been more than 4 hours already