Transfer completed but lost token

Hello, I made a transfer and BCOIN token never arrived. I created request #638175 as soon as it happened but I got no answer. How can I get help?

Today it happened the same, again transfer completed and BCOIN never arrived to my wallet.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you.

Only native coins are added to a chain by default. Tokens for that chain can be stored, you’ll just need to add them before they’re displayed. See how to here: How to View Your Custom Tokens in MetaMask

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Thanks much for your response, I’m able to see the token in my wallet, but it says 0 instead of 60 :sob:

Does the transaction hash show it as being complete?

Yes, this is the transaction hash from the second transaction were I lost the token:


I did others which were successfully with same trade page.

I see them move in, then back out pretty shortly afterward.
These are the two transactions that are moving BCOIN out of your wallet.


Were those unauthorized transactions?

If so, it’s possible that account may have been compromised.
Let’s get you in touch with support.

Here’s an article with more info, and the direct links to our helpdesk.

There’s a type of attack called a “sweeper” that will automatically send funds in a wallet to the attackers account.

Hiding this post (company policy for your security) but you and our staff can still see and comment here.

Helpdesk has been a little slower than usual to respond. We have a ton of people away from the office to help with the EthDenver event this week.

Hi, I did a previous transaction to get 1 BCOIN which arrived properly:

Then I did the new to get 60 BCOIN which failed:

These both transactions were done from same page, only the 1st arrived. The destination address is the correct in both cases, the only difference is that there’s 3 ‘sub-transacitons’ on the firsth Hash I send and only 2 on the second.

60 bcoin coming in:

then 6 seconds later, 61 bcoin going out:

With you never seeing them, it looks like a sweeper attack to me.

Is there something that can be done?

Has it happened the same like the hash I sent on the support order?


From a device you know is secure, creating a new wallet and transferring funds to the new wallet is the best way to assure your funds stay secure. The helpdesk article has the full steps on how to do that.

Do you have already have a ticket with support? They’ll be more familiar with the best steps from here.

I created request #638175 on december, but I got no answer yet.

You mean to create a new wallet and delete current one?

You’ll need to keep access to the old one to move any assets out.

Also a good idea to be certain the device thats interacting with the new wallet is free of malware and viruses. If the computer is infected, the new wallet could be compromised in the same way.

You can either use a different device, a different browser, or another user profile in the same browser (for example in chrome, on the upper right, you’d click the user icon next to the three dots, and select “add” under other profiles. )

Each profile and browser has their own instance of metamask. Adding another user gives two independent metamask wallets, that can be opened side by side. (easier to copy addresses than logging out and back in over and over.)

Make certain you write down the new Secret Recovery Phrase in a secure location.

Then you can send them from the compromised wallet to the new one.

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I appreciate a lot your support, thanks much!

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