Transfered ETH from Wazirx account at Metamask wallet but not showing the balance after received message displayed

I, have transferred my eth from my wazirx exchange to metamask wallet it says successful and at metamask wallet received notification also shown but the amount is not added and my balance wallet is 0 now

Hi @srvs and on page you see the right ETH balance?

no it says 0 when i check at etherscan

Oh that’s wrong :neutral_face: you see some OUT transaction there?

yes i have seen one out transection but i didn’t send any eth from my wallet

Someone robbed you :neutral_face: probably. Try to write on support:

the sent activity is not showing at my wallet where to find transection id it is not showing at my meta mask wallet

Transaction hash can be found on page.

i have connected my sandbox game account and there is smart contract also will i loose it if i make one more wallet and i have submitted a ticket that you told me

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I’m not much of an expert on this :slightly_smiling_face: MetaMask support will advise you.

can i block that wallet address if possible

@srvs The outgoing transaction does not appear on your MetaMask wallet, because each wallet is device-specific, which means only the transactions that were completed in your MetaMask on that device will appear.

If you believe your wallet has been compromised in some way, please contact our Support Team at

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i have already contacted them there is no reply and the wallet address that took my ETH currently he is taking all the token from different people also many are commenting at etherscan if there is option for blocking that specific wallet address it would be great but i think there is no features at meta mask so every one is at risk now coz of poor security from your metamask

Thank you for reaching out. You will receive a reply via email.

If you believe your wallet has been hacked, rather than blocking an address, the best security practice is to create a completely new wallet, transfer all of your assets to your new wallet, and abandon your compromised wallet.

Just blocking a single address will not prevent the attacker from creating a new address and continuing to exploit the same wallet.