bom dia. Neste dia. Um pouco trasferir 0.49213025 bnb tá binace pro metamask. Porém trasferir o bnb pro. Endereço tá tela . Principal do aplicativo. Oh receber. Não me ligue. Em selecionar a moeda . E clique na apa. Receber to bnb. E possível recuperar o ativo?
Good morning. On 2022-01-08 14:27 .transfer 0.49213025 bnb is binace for metamask. But transfer the bnb pro. Address is screen. Application main. in receiving. Do not call me. In selecting the currency in the bnb apa of the metamask . before trasfeiri ta binace pro metamask. how to recover this asset
I am still having trouble understanding your post, but if you are looking for your BNB, it looks like the transaction was successful and BNB was sent to your wallet address. Please make sure you have added Binance Smart Chain as a custom network. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base: