Unlock testnets so I can move/hide/remove them

The ETH testnets are locked, but there is little reason for that. Most users do NOT need to access them, and I’m sure it causes confusion.

Please make the Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, and Goerli testnets unlocked so I can remove them, hide them, or move them lower in the order. Or, just make a setting to “hide testnets” so I can re-enable it when I need to do work on one of them.

I’ve been using Metamask for quite a while and I love it. I have added a number of additional networks, but they all sort below the testnets that I almost never use. It’s inconvenient and seems silly.

It would be nice to be able to do that.


Hey @projectjourneyman , thank you for submitting this request!

You’re able to hide test networks right from the network switcher modal:

or also by going to Settings, clicking on Advanced and then turning off the Show test networks toggle.


You cant do that on the mobile app which is what I and probably many use. If the same feature for the desktop version could be added it would be great.


Yes please! Super bored of scrolling past them.


If this were to be possible on the mobile app, that would be great! Is this something that will be included in the next update? When can we expect to see this change in action?

Thank you in advance!


I totally agree that would be better for me as well