USDC lost on the linea bridge to polygon

My transaction on the linea bridge for polygon has been stuck for over an hour.
The linea scan shows that the transaction was completed but I did not receive the USDC in polygon. Can anyone help me?
The transaction on the bridge looks like this

And in MetaMask there is this transaction that I cannot accept or cancel

This is the scan link on the line, it was completed, although in the end, it seems that the USDC went to a burn address. I don’t know if this is how the bridge works. But I didn’t receive it at polygon.

This is the link to my portfolio, both polygon and linea

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Hi friend! You are correct that you have not received your funds. It looks like Connext was used to bridge. I’d recommend getting in touch with the Connext team on their discord. You can find their discord link on the bottom of their website page:

Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

Best regards

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