What did happend to my FOX Airdrop before i could claim it, my wallet does and send it to Contract...please help

This is my Walletadress


it all startet with this Transaction,
0.017932900211095854 Ether ($34.22)
to my Walletadress.
i didn’t made any of these Transactions. I don’t know what happens
Next is a Transaction to 1Inch, Uniswap, over a Contract, Named METAMASK. SWAP ROUTER.

So my Airdrop of 600 FOX was swapped and Stole, 0.22 ETH where deposit to my Wallet, and withdrawel without any Permisson.

Please Help Me…

Anyone knows what the METAMASK: SWAP ROUTER is? iIs it something Official from metamask?

THX for all help which is possible