Whitelist of token contract addresses that legitimately accept ETH


I created an NFT project back in 2021 (on 4/20, more than 3 years ago) and the same contract has both all the NFT functionalities, as well as accepting ETH to mint a new one.


Now receiving the warning:

Address on mainnet: 0x3ef61d25b2bf303de52efdd5e50698bed8f9eb8d

(new user, unable to post the link to Etherscan)

While in 99% cases sending ETH to token contract is not OK, there is 1% of legitimate use cases.


Some token contracts can legitimately receive ETH.

Removing the warning will enhance UI / UX.


Chrome Extension, didn’t test on mobile.


Default warning, already attached.

Please reach out to MetaMask Support.

  • This will connect you to a bot at first, answer some questions and it will open a ticket for you with an agent.

Remember - NOBODY, including from support, will ask for your secret recovery phrase or for you to input it onto any website for confirmation.

Are you sure?

There is a feature: https://support.metamask.io/managing-my-tokens/moving-your-tokens/why-am-i-being-warned-about-sending-tokens-to-a-contract/

I’m suggesting “feature request” to circumvent that, because there are some legitimate use cases.

Not saying it’s a bug, but just so someone can investigate your individual case further and see why it is being flagged now