Swaped Matic to Pol got HMatic instead?

I tried to convert 700 Matic to Pol using MetaMask Portfolio the Matic disappeared but the tokens in Pol never showed up. Then I found that it was a changed to a hidden token in portfolio called HMatic, or Matic Token Hop and I can do nothing with it? I tried to convert it to POL and no matter the gas setting there are no quotes available. Then I looked at bridging back to Matic but would only get about 7 Matic in return.

Any Idea how to convert this to POL or any other token that can be converted to POl?

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hi @user1615 . Matic is the original name, POL is the new name. You don’t need to make any transactions, just change the symbol to POL in the settings.

According to your description, the POL you exchanged should not be the real POL, but another token with poor liquidity (although its name is also POL), which led to your loss.

You can try to exchange this token back to Matic (POL), but you may not be able to get the original amount.


It was real Pol, I got it on coinbase, like I have done many times before, then trasnfered it to MetaMask, that is where it messed up, instead of going into the Pologon Mainnet as POL it went to the Ethereum mainnet as Matic adding to the few Matic tokens I already had.

When I tried to swap it to Polygon POL it ended up as HMatic, If I try to bridge it back to Matic that 700 Matic $275 will be reduce about 6-7 or about $5 worth.

Sound like I either sit on that HMatic and hope it is worth something some day or take a massive loss, yes?

@user1615 Hi,
I would recommend trying to reach out to the MetaMask Support Team and ask them about this, that HMatic could be Hop wrapped Matic from Hop Exchange if it is maybe you can convert it but always be careful who and what you interact with online and always do your own research before doing anything, I would recommend not swapping anything or not doing anything with the tokens yet reach out to the support team and see if there’s anything you can do about this and check the hypothesis.

This is where you can contact us https://support.metamask.io/

click “Start a Conversation.” Once you click “Start a Conversation” a live chatbot will appear on your screen. It will give you an automated response at first, but afterwards you should be able to contact the support team directly. WE WILL NEVER SEND YOU DM TO OFFER SUPPORT REGARDING MetaMask HERE, PLEASE BE CAREFUL

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Thanks the help chatbot must be down , tried in 3 different browsers and does nothing will keep trying.

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The chatbot is working, can you describe in more detail what issue you are having with the chatbot?

I click on start a conversation and it does nothing.

Tried in Brave, Edge and Opera, I have I have adgurd destop maybe that is blocking something like its pop up, I will check.

EDIT: It was Adguard turned off the popup blocker and was able to submit a ticket.

I will post any update to this problem incase someone else finds them in the same situation.


Support helped me fix the problem, turns out that the bridge transaction was only partially completed, which resulted in me receiving hETH (Hop ETH) / hMATIC (Hop Matic) instead of ETH / MATIC-POL.

I had to use the Convert page on Hop’s native conversion page to convert the hMATIC into wPOL which made it WMatic then swap that to POl and got it all back .


Glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing the info here in case someone will encounter something similar in the future, have a great rest of your day :coffee: