Amount unavailable for send

Accidental I transfered DyDx token from my account address to this same address.
After that I see balance but amount it is a 0.
I checked on EtherScan and transference was completed.
What can I do?

Hi @traderFred

Welcome to MetaMask community.

If you transferred tokens to same address of yours, then token should be in your account. Please check on etherscan if the address where you transferred tokens can be seen in etherscan under token holdings. by clicking on down arrow. If this is shown under token hodlings, then its alright. Please check this support articles


Hi Mandip,

First of all thanks for your answer.
I can see the token in MetaMask and etherscan, but when I try to send it the value is zero. And balance has a value that I had before.
The swap function is enabled, but send function is unavailable.

Hi @traderFred

Please check if your browser and MetaMask wallet is up to date and try to update. Also, kindly try to reinstall MetaMask wallet in another browser to rule out any browser specific issue.

If this does not help, please contact MetaMask support at and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. We will never DM you support.

Our agents will never ask you to provide your Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP).


Hi Mandip,

It was some problem with chrome extension. I unnistalled and installed extension again and it already works.
Thanks for your help.

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