Base minting doesnt work on MM walet

hello, i tried many times on different sites but i am not able to mint my nfts on Base. i also tried to replace rpc but the issue remain the same. Is there any solution for this issue?

Hi friend! It looks like the error message “insufficient funds for gas * price + value” means that the transaction does not have enough funds to cover the cost of the transaction fee plus the value of the transaction itself.

Please ensure you have sufficient funds to cover the total cost of the transaction, including the gas fee.


hello; i have funds in my wallet. the minting i am trying to do is also very cheap like daily mint on Zora network but directly failing; i also tried on different page but the same issue…

If you are certain that you have sufficient funds and it’s still failing then I’d suggest you get in the touch with the team behind the NFT and ask why it’s failing.


Just now i tried to mint Ether Score Nft and still doesnt work. The issue is not with the site but MM Walet. i have proble to be solved with Base network on MM…

Have you checked the block explorer to see if there’s anything wrong on there for you?


Looks like a temporary issue. The following methods may help:

  • Restart the browser.
  • First switch to Ethereum, then switch to base.
  • Clear cache and try again.

i am not dood about that. Could you assist me please? My hash: 0xa944D58071BAa5910c5af03E94809Baba0F56BfB
My wallet adress is: 0x76B5aE1BbD4843F6F0bB1CEdB4Efccc620AfAF86

Not helping dear. i mint on Zora but not On Base(

It would be best if you contact Support team at and click Start a Conversation


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