BNB sent from Binance NOT received in MetaMask

I am very new to crytp. I am trying to invest in CheCoin. So here is what i did

  1. Purchased BNB in Binance

  2. Transfer that to my MetaMask address

But i did not received it on my metamask. Binance said the transaction is completed and there a nothing they can do

But the metamask address is correct.

Statut :Completed

Date : 2021-08-06 14:50

Monnaie : BNB

Montant du retrait : 0.1734881

Frais de réseau : 0.0005

Réseau : BSC

Thanks for anyone who could help

Thank you for your response. No :frowning:

I just add it.
I see my 50$ … Simple & fast. Thank you

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