BNB transfer confirmed but didn't transfer

Hi there, I transfer BNB to my Binance account and the funds haven’t arrived. The transaction says it is complete. Could you look it for me please? 0x62b8cb832416945486c22227906a9a5d254ae8bdecf519a28c3031a8070d18d5

Hey @Qs1jake, please make sure you have sent the BNB to your Binance account on the right network.

Since this issue relates to Binance, I would suggest contacting their team.

Hi Nakedwinnie, Sorry for the delay.

I contacted Binance and they responded ‘‘This transaction cannot be found on the blockchain. Please check that you have submitted the correct transaction ID (TxID) or network, and resubmit the form’’ and ''Dear User, we are unable to find this transaction via the BSC/ETH/HT/AVAXC/FTM. Please check back the TxID or Deposit Network. ‘’

TxID/TxHash: 0x62b8cb832416945486c22227906a9a5d254ae8bdecf519a28c3031a8070d18d5

It does look like that transaction hash is not the right one, I wasn’t able to find any information on it anymore.

Here’s more information on our Knowledge Base on how to find it:

I have attached the transaction information. Hopefully this helps. Thanks

This transaction was done on testnet, not the actual Binance Smart Chain mainnet. These tokens are only test tokens and have no value, and are also not accepted by Binance.

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Sorry im abit of a newbie. Dose this mean i have lost my BNB or can it be retrived? Thanks for the advice.

Hi @Qs1jake this BNB has no value :slightly_smiling_face: has a value 0$

It’s BNB from this web: free for everyone.

Tokens from this site are for testing purposes only :slightly_smiling_face:

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