Cannot estimate gas

When completing a bridge transfer from StarkNet to Ethereum, upon selecting “complete transfer” on StarkGate, I receive the error

“cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit”

hey @shred369 ,welcome to MetaMask community.
Someone asked a similar question (he bridged from Ethereum to starknet), check Mandip’s reply .

You can use revoke to see the amount you approved for stargate, if it’s lower than your current bridged amount, revoke it first and then use stargate again.

Not sure if it can solve your problem. :cat:

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Yes I have tried revoking. Unfortunately this still does not resolve the issue. My permissioned amount was well above the amount I was trying to bridge.

Also, when I try to revoke on MetaMask portfolio setting, after completing a revoke (and paying gas fees) I refresh the page and see that the contract has not been revoked.

Also, when I try to revoke on MetaMask portfolio setting, after completing a revoke (and paying gas fees) I refresh the page and see that the contract has not been revoked.

There may be a delay in the display of the page, don’t worry. As long as the blockchain explorer shows that it has been revoked, that’s fine.

I have tried revoking. Unfortunately this still does not resolve the issue. My permissioned amount was well above the amount I was trying to bridge.

I have no other suggestions right now. You can try again later. if that doesn’t work, wait for someone else to help.

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In addition to tuya mentioned,

Please do not try to deposit/withdraw max amount. Please leave some ETH for fees puropose. Refresh the bridge page, clear browser cache and cookies and give a try again by leaving enough ETH in your wallet (ETH mainnet for withdraw to complete transfer) for gas fees purpose. You need to have ETH in ethereum mainnet to complete transfer (withdraw from starknet to ETH mainnet after status changes to accepted on L1 on starknet block explorer if you did not do automatic withdraw). You can track daily average withdraw gas fees here https:// This fees do not remain same, it changes as network activity changes


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