cant get connect to ipfs {project ID does not have access to this network, see}, when clicking on link it redirects to metamask dashboard, where the key is same . as i am copying from it but ... nthg happend

:rotating_light: Developer Questions :rotating_light:

Title: 401 Unauthorized Error When Uploading to Infura’s IPFS API via MetaMask-Linked Account

I’m experiencing a 401 Unauthorized error when attempting to upload documents to Infura’s IPFS API ( using my JavaScript code and curl commands. I’ve provided my Infura credentials (project ID and secret) obtained from my Infura dashboard, but the requests fail with a 401 status code. Here are the details:

  • Request URL:
  • Request Method: POST
  • Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • Remote Address:
  • Account Context: I’m redirected to the MetaMask Developer Dashboard ( when trying to log in to Infura, suggesting a possible linkage between my Infura and MetaMask accounts (email:

I’ve tried:

  • Using curl -X POST -u "<project_id>:<project_secret>" "" -F file=@your-document.pdf, but it still returns 401.
  • Updating my JavaScript code with ipfs-http-client to include the credentials, but the error persists.

I suspect the issue might be related to:

  • Incorrect or expired Infura credentials.
  • Account linkage or restrictions due to my MetaMask/Infura integration.
  • Free tier limits or configuration issues in my Infura project.

Pro Tips Used:

  • I searched the MetaMask and Infura communities but couldn’t find a specific solution for this 401 error with MetaMask-linked Infura accounts.
  • I reviewed the MetaMask Help Center and Infura documentation, but the issue persists.
  • This topic focuses on a single issue (the 401 error) to help others respond quickly.

Common Terms Used: IPFS, Infura, MetaMask, 401 Unauthorized, API, authentication.

Request for Help:
Can anyone clarify why I’m getting a 401 Unauthorized error with my Infura IPFS API requests, especially given the redirection to the MetaMask Developer Dashboard? How can I verify or fix my credentials, and is there a known issue with MetaMask-linked Infura accounts affecting IPFS uploads?


Hi please thanks for all the details did you raise it anywhere else or just here. You would need to open a support ticket IPFS service is available only by request now here are the steps: (support widget bottom right corner). Choose: MetaMask Support → Infura → Service Access Request → IPFS. We’ll send you an access request form for you to fill in, which will go to our PM team for further analysis

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