Can't see my eth in my wallet

Hello everyone!

I bought some Ethereum on metamask with credit card using Transakt, i got an email that the transaction was successful, and on the activity menu on metamask I can see that i recieved the eth, but at the assets i can’t see it. I looked at it on etherscan, it also sais that my balance is 0 eth, but at the transactions i can see that my eth arrived. Although there was an outgoing transaction (just after my deposit arrived), what i didn’t knew about, but it’s value is less then my deposits value, so i don’t know why i can’t see any eth in my wallet.
If anyone has an idea, what could i do, please help me!

Hey @FDaniel, if there is an outgoing transaction that you did not confirm, it is likely that your wallet has been compromised.

Please refer to this post here: