I have a problem with the Staking and getting the claiming reward, when I claim I not see the amount on my metamask. When i claim the Vest from Hero it works. I cleared the cache, restart broweser, reconnect to the Staking Dome Site.
When you see all claiming “Withdraw All” Method did not recieve my Metamask wallet.
The transaction “Widthdraw Available” Method there i did recieve the amount on my wallet.
So you can see when I would claim it, every claim to the 0x572574B4baD71bcc3e0538C7f4793bD653732377 did not amoun in my wallet.
That support person sounds like a scam. And it’s definitely not Metamask support. NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR SECRET RECOVERY PHRASE.
Metamask support is only through this forum or the ticketing system (support.metamask.io)
We dont use telegram, at all.
The “0x57257” address is a contract address.
Im not familiar with this particular token, but with most staking contracts, when you unstake (or claim rewards) they will still reside in the partition of the staking contract (IE they’ve been released from staking but still need to be sent back to your metamask wallet from the staking site.)
This is how it shows on Amp, a project I’m invested in.
None of these tokens show on my Metamask, until I send from the staking wallet, back to my own.
I’m guessing your claimed rewards are sitting in the equivalent of the “available in wallet” section.