Community User Agreement

This community is built by people around the world. We come from various walks of life with many perspectives. Honor that diversity; it gives us strength.

There are a few rules we have:

  • Be kind to everyone—we’re all friends here

  • Respect all members of the community and ecosystem

  • Attempt collaboration before conflict

  • Demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior/ speech will not be tolerated

  • NSFW and offensive content is prohibited

  • Participate in an authentic and active way

  • Act in a way that promotes the Community long-term

  • Strict no tolerance regarding spam, cyberthreats, cyberbullying - advertisement or promotion without approval


  • Refrain from posting the same message in multiple categories.

  • Refrain from posting repetitive messages in the same category.

  • Stay on topic in regards to the category you’re posting in.

  • Open a support ticket if you need to include information such as your account’s public key.

  • Submit your post in English, so it is easily searchable for all users.

Pro Tips:

  • Never give anyone (including Support Admins) or any site your Secret Recovery Phrase or private key.

  • Keep one post only to one issue, this will help the community to answer these quicker.


  • Why was my post or comment deleted?

    • If a post or comment violates our user agreement, repetitive, or does not contribute to the conversation, it will be deleted.
      *For better security, all posts or comments containing account information or Secret Recovery Phrases will be removed.
  • Why haven’t I received a response from an admin?

    • While our admins try to respond to as many questions as possible, the benefit of a community support forum is any member of the community can contribute to the conversation. Our admins will respond to as many questions as possible.
    • If you need one on one assistance with your issue(s), please Reach out to our helpdesk then click ‘Start a Conversation’ button. The bot will ask a few questions the get you routed to the right team in support.

thank you for making such a great rules


J’aime beaucoup metamask


Thank you for the guidance


Thank you, the community will grow stronger :slightly_smiling_face:


thank you for making such a great rules


Thank you for the help


Thanks you for the help