This community is built by people around the world. We come from various walks of life with many perspectives. Honor that diversity; it gives us strength.
There are a few rules we have:
Be kind to everyone—we’re all friends here
Respect all members of the community and ecosystem
Attempt collaboration before conflict
Demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior/ speech will not be tolerated
NSFW and offensive content is prohibited
Participate in an authentic and active way
Act in a way that promotes the Community long-term
Strict no tolerance regarding spam, cyberthreats, cyberbullying - advertisement or promotion without approval
Refrain from posting the same message in multiple categories.
Refrain from posting repetitive messages in the same category.
Stay on topic in regards to the category you’re posting in.
Open a support ticket if you need to include information such as your account’s public key.
Submit your post in English, so it is easily searchable for all users.
Pro Tips:
Never give anyone (including Support Admins) or any site your Secret Recovery Phrase or private key.
Keep one post only to one issue, this will help the community to answer these quicker.
Why was my post or comment deleted?
- If a post or comment violates our user agreement, repetitive, or does not contribute to the conversation, it will be deleted.
*For better security, all posts or comments containing account information or Secret Recovery Phrases will be removed.
- If a post or comment violates our user agreement, repetitive, or does not contribute to the conversation, it will be deleted.
Why haven’t I received a response from an admin?
- While our admins try to respond to as many questions as possible, the benefit of a community support forum is any member of the community can contribute to the conversation. Our admins will respond to as many questions as possible.
- If you need one on one assistance with your issue(s), please submit a support ticket and our Support Team will assist you via email.